Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Champagne Jell-O Shots

It's time to get a little jiggly with our Champagne. These fancy Jell-O Shots are perfect for New Year's Eve and add just a touch of bubbly to a classic treat!
Jell-O Shots are always a crowd pleaser with my family and friends. I am excited to ring in the New Year with Peach Vanilla Champagne Jell-O Shots. These Champagne Jell-O Shots are simply festive with a healthy dose of bubbly for a New Year's Party. This recipe is quite simple! Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best ones. Or wait, the ones with booze are the best ones...something like that. 
1 bottle champagne (3.5 Cups)
1/2 Cup Peach Schnapps
4 envelopes Knox Gelatine
1 Splash Vanilla Extract
4 Tablespoons sugar
1 star shaped cookie cutter

Pour 2 Cups Champagne into a medium sized sauce pan (no heat yet).
Sprinkle 4 envelopes Knox into sauce pan. Let sit for 2 minutes letting the gelatin activate. Turn on medium heat and whisk until gelatin dissolves

Add 4 Tablespoons sugar and a splash of vanilla extract. Let the sugar dissolve. Turn off heat when champagne reaches a low boil.
In a separate bowl, pour 1.5 Cups of remaining champagne and 1/2 Cup Peach Schnapps. Next, Add hot champagne into the same bowl. 

Pour mix into a greased 9" x 13" pan and Refrigerate. 

Slowly and carefully cut out stars with cookie cutter and remove. Refrigerate until serving!

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Eve Glitter Champagne Bottles

One of my New Year's  Goals is to start Blogging! What better way to start my first blog by sharing a DIY project that is just in time for New Years! Whether your hosting a New Year's Eve party or just going to a party, this DIY Glitter Champagne Bottle is a perfect way to put a little glitz and sparkle into the fun! After all who doesn't love a little sparkle and champagne?
To make this Glitter Champagne Bottle you will need:
Gold Glitter
Mod Podge
Finishing Gloss Spray
Small Paint Brush
A large Champagne Bottle
* Mini Champagne Bottles- optional but are SUPER CUTE

Brush Mod Podge onto the bottle and simply sprinkle on the glitter overtop. Continue until you have covered the entire bottle, framing around the labels.

Let the bottle dry completely and then spray a thin coat of finishing spray on the entire bottle. Make sure NOT to over spray your bottle- too much will take away its sparkle.

Taaa Daaa! 3-2-1... Happy New Year!