Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Champagne Jell-O Shots

It's time to get a little jiggly with our Champagne. These fancy Jell-O Shots are perfect for New Year's Eve and add just a touch of bubbly to a classic treat!
Jell-O Shots are always a crowd pleaser with my family and friends. I am excited to ring in the New Year with Peach Vanilla Champagne Jell-O Shots. These Champagne Jell-O Shots are simply festive with a healthy dose of bubbly for a New Year's Party. This recipe is quite simple! Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best ones. Or wait, the ones with booze are the best ones...something like that. 
1 bottle champagne (3.5 Cups)
1/2 Cup Peach Schnapps
4 envelopes Knox Gelatine
1 Splash Vanilla Extract
4 Tablespoons sugar
1 star shaped cookie cutter

Pour 2 Cups Champagne into a medium sized sauce pan (no heat yet).
Sprinkle 4 envelopes Knox into sauce pan. Let sit for 2 minutes letting the gelatin activate. Turn on medium heat and whisk until gelatin dissolves

Add 4 Tablespoons sugar and a splash of vanilla extract. Let the sugar dissolve. Turn off heat when champagne reaches a low boil.
In a separate bowl, pour 1.5 Cups of remaining champagne and 1/2 Cup Peach Schnapps. Next, Add hot champagne into the same bowl. 

Pour mix into a greased 9" x 13" pan and Refrigerate. 

Slowly and carefully cut out stars with cookie cutter and remove. Refrigerate until serving!

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